Is$uEs aNd DeBaTe$

Saturday, September 30, 2006

7th JuLy $uRviVoR SuEs GoVeRnMeNT
A survivor of the 7 July bombings
is the first to sue the government
because she says she has been
refused medical treatment on the
Beverli Rhodes, from Maidstone in Kent,
was a passenger on the King's Cross train,
and says she has been forced to travel
overseas for help.
She gained brain stem injury and
post-traumatic stress.This was
caused by her head beingsmashed
against a pole.
Ms Rhodes has been registered disabled
since the attack. Her job before 7 July
was to help assess London's vulnerability
to terrorist attacks.therefore, she told BBC
London that her post-traumatic stress meant
she found it difficult to work.
''...You don't have much control over
your body, the body goes into
fright or flight...''
"There are certain triggers... if a
trigger comes about, you don't have
much control over your body, the body
goes into fright or flight, and you will
automatically evacuate any excess
material on board, which plainly means
you will go the toilet," she says.
The scars on her face, caused by the bomb
have not been covered by her mediical
insurance, and the only place she said,
she can afford to getany sort of
treatment done,is in Thailand.
Also the NHS have said they will
not pay for the treatment, as it is Cometic.
"For me, personally, it is necessary
because eventually one side of the
face will I believe become completely
concave... it will make it very difficult to chew."
Ms Rhodes hopes other survivors
will come forward and ask the
government for help to get treatment.
BBC London contacted the Home
Office, who said they had paid out
£6m so far to 264 survivors, and
there were hundreds more of cases
waiting to be heard.
The government has said there is
no time limit for those seeking
financial help.
My OpInIoN
Personally i dont think this is right. the NHS should offer to fund for all damages made to someone, if its not there fault. also the fact that she lost her work, made it more difficult. it is their duty to offer us indeviduals as we are people of this country!

Thursday, September 21, 2006


MeDiA iNsTiTuTiOn..

iNTeReSTiNg FaCTs..

  • MgM hAs bEeN aRoUnD SiNcE ThE 1930's
  • oFFiCiaLLy oPeNeD iN aPrIL..1989
  • iT iS aLsO KnOwN aS..'MeTrO-GoLdWiN-MaYeR'
  • HiGhEsT ReLeAsE..OnE FiLm a WeEk

'The Company owns the largest modern film library in the world, consisting of approximately 4,000 titles and 206 Academy Awards®, including 14 for Best Picture.'

ღ..wHaT iS MGM?..ღ

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., or MGM, is an American media company, involved primarily in the production and distribution of cinema and television programs.
From the end of the
silent film era through World War II, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer was the prominent motion picture studio in Hollywood, with the greatest output of all of the studios: at its height, it released one feature film a week, along with many short subjects and serials. A victim of the massive restructuring of the motion picture industry during the 1950s and 60s, it was ultimately unable to cope with the loss of its theater chain (due to the Paramount decrees), and the power shift from studio bosses to independent producers and agents.
April 8, 2005, the company was acquired by a partnership led by Sony and Comcast in association with Texas Pacific Group and Providence Equity Partners. As of 2006, MGM now produces film and television content in conjunction with the Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group through Sony Pictures Entertainment. Columbia TriStar and Sony Pictures continue to distribute MGM's films domestically and 20th Century Fox continue to distribute the films internationally, although MGM plans to begin distributing its own films again.

ღ..AbOuT MGM..ღ

About MGMMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (NYSE: MGM), through its Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. subsidiary, is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music and licensed merchandise. The company owns the world's largest library of modern films, comprised of about 4,000 titles. Operating units include MGM Pictures, United Artists, MGM Television Entertainment, MGM Networks, MGM Distribution Co., MGM Worldwide Television Distribution, MGM Home Entertainment, MGM On Stage, MGM Consumer Products, MGM Music, MGM Interactive and MGM Online. In addition, MGM has ownership interests in international television channels reaching more than 100 countries. For more information, visit

ღ..BaCkGrOuNd AnD HiSToRy..

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. (NYSE:MGM), through its Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. subsidiary, is actively engaged in the worldwide production and distribution of entertainment product, including motion pictures, television programming, home video, interactive media, music, and licensed merchandise. The Company owns the largest modern film library in the world, consisting of approximately 4,000 titles. Its operating units include MGM Pictures, United Artists, MGM Television Entertainment, MGM Networks, MGM Distribution Co., MGM Worldwide Television Distribution, MGM Home Entertainment, MGM On Stage, MGM Consumer Products, MGM Music, MGM Interactive, and MGM Online.

ღ..oWnErsHiP..AnD MaIn PeOpLe..ღ

The Company owns the largest modern film library in the world, consisting of approximately 4,000 titles and 206 Academy Awards®, including 14 for Best Picture.

In addition, MGM owns a 20 percent equity interest in four of Rainbow Media's successful national cable networks

- American Movie Classics (AMC)


-The Independent Film Channel (IFC)

-and WE: Women's Entertainment - and internationally has ownership interests in television channels reaching more than 40 countries around the world.

..FiNaNcEs..BuSiNeSS..-VeNTuReS aNd iNcOmE..ღ

ღ..MeDiA pRoDuCTiOn$s..ღ

MiDNiGhT CoWbOy - Tells the story of Joe Buck, who is the cowboy seeking his fortune as a 'gigolo' in New York, but finding friendship and reality with a small-time con Ratso, prior to its West End run.

DiRTy RoTTeN $cOuNdReLs - one of the most awarded performances in Broadway history, garnering him the Tony Award for Best Actor as well as a number of other prestigious awards. Based on the popular 1988 MGM film

pRi$ciLLa, QuEeN oF ThE DeSeRT - Said to be fun..Daring..and hilarious..Fans also say it's very bitchy!

SaNTa MoNiCa - Came out December the 16th..1998

ღ..SoOn To CoMe OuT..ღ

LeGaLLy bLoNdE iS SoOn To CoMe OuT..iN 2007!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

PoST oNe..
Nearly 40% the nations internet users download music and watch videos on the web. These figures were collated in a survey of 10,000 consumers. Websites such as Bebo and video download sites such as YouTube were viewed and just over half of the youth population (54%) want to create or share their own content on the web.
The international study by consultancy Accenture, showed that viewers want more control over where and when they watch certain types of footage and also would like productions of their own.

Accenture's partner - Dave Brown has stated ""The good news is that the vast majority (77%) of UK consumers believe that technology has made their lives easier and a similar number associate technology with fun.

"UK consumers are most interested in applications that allow them to download and watch films, TV shows and other video content on their TV. They are less interested in applications that allow them to work from home.

"However, what we found is that as consumers upgrade to digital homes - in order to get access to more content when and where they want it - they face increased complexity."

however the good news for this situation is that people would rather much prefer to watch downloaded footage on their televisions rather than their computers. The survey showed that a stagering 54% of the population would prefer to watch downloaded videos the the television, compared to the 30% via the internet.

"While the PC is the prevalent alternative distribution mechanism today, 100m videos are viewed every day on YouTube; future interest is greatest in viewing downloaded video on the television," according to Accenture's Digital Home report.

Accenture also found that 65% of people under the age of 24 play games online, and 44% of the same age group want to watch video on the internet!

My Opinion - Personally i think music/video downloads should not be banned, as there are plentyof artists out there who would prefer their music be heard on the internet. Unheard artists and songs are usually found by searching the internet and also the videos on YouTube are usually posted up by people who are aware they are there.