Is$uEs aNd DeBaTe$

Saturday, November 25, 2006

..UsEs aNd GrATiFiCaTiOnS ThEoRy..
The 'Use and Gratification's' theory is the idea that people use the media to get specific gratifications. People are not passive audiences of the media, however they use the media to fulfill their certian needs.
Blulmer and Katz highlighted 4 areas of gratification that the audiences tend to use:

Personal identity - for example, characters in soaps experiencing something the audience once did.

Personal relationships - a media text providing information for 'water-cooler talk' at work with colleagues, what's happening in the latest reality TV show?

Surveillance - lets the audience know what is happening in the world, for example print and broadcast news.

Diversion - a media text which provides escapism for the audience, for example a holiday programme.
As an active media consumer i can personally relate to these methods of gratificatiion for example:
As a teenage i can relate to the Personal Identity in soaps such as Eastenders. Even though i am not from the East of London, the issues the characters deal with are issues that are seen in an average teenagers daily life, for example, bullying, romance and pregnancy. Therefore as an audience we can relate to it and feel the way the character feel. These issues also allow the audience to feel sorrow towards the characters, even though they are only characters.
This is then spoken about in school, for example media lessons. Because we have seen the episode we feel part of something. This relates to Personal Relationships that the theorists talk about. Soi this appeals to me majorly, as most of my friends talk about Eastenders sometimes aswel. This is also with reality TV shows, for example Im a Celebrity.
I watch the news on a regular basis and i read media related news articles online on which allows me to keep up-to-date with the news around the world and what is going on in the UK. This relates to the Surveillance gratification as we aware of what is happening around the world.
I watch films in the cinema's which provides a sense of escapism. This can relate to the Diversion gratification which the audience veiw a texts that provides a sense of excapism.
Denis McQuail also has his steps of Gratification theories:
Information - we gain this whilst watching the news and reading the newspaper. We absorb interesting knowledge about what is going on in the world today.
Learning - this relates us to Learning as we learn alot wby watching the news. ALso when we are watching soaps we learn a great deal about how people are and what goes on in a lot of peoples lives now - a - days. how society has changed.
Personal Identity - when watching or reading texts we sometimes tend to relate to the characters. Sometimes this causes us to act in a certain way, idolising them, and acting hows they would act. however this is mainly in reality TV shows where we idolised a certain character and therefore are made to act the way they do.
Interegation and Social Interaction - soap's allow us to gain an insight of the characters lives and have our personal views on what happens in their lives.
Entertainment - this is done when we watch the music chanels on TV. relaxing. also reading a print text can enable you to find some relaxing time.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

ThE eFFeCTs ThEoRy..

Media Effects theory is the theory that argues that representations of violence or sex, or ANYTHING, shown or heard on any form of media increases aggression or violence or sexuall behaviour in the audience / consumer. 'It appears in 'folk wisdom' and newspaper editorials as the claim that x or y media product must be banned in order to avoid the violence it depicts being acted out in society, notably by young people.'
Is the 'Effects Theory' true or does it not make any sense?
I can argue that the media effects theory is true, however is also proven to be wrong. Looking at news there has been a lot of stories concerning this factor. About how children aspire to be like their heros/heroens and therefore is madr to act in a certain manor.
However it can also be argued that, this is not entirely true as it has never actually been proven. The 'bobo doll' was an atempt however this was not successful.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

FeEdBaCk oN ThE bLoGs..

DiNvEeR: Your blog is very detailed and you have included alot of different types of stories, however all media related..

'Media Studies Degree': It shows a realistic point of view on Media degrees. It also is true that it is a very competitive subject to study in university.'It just goes to show that Media Stuides is not a 'Mickey-Mouse' subject!!!' The fact that you added you own point of view into this shows that you absorbed the text and then had your own view on it.

I like the fact that you have alot of pictures on your blog which makes it interesting to look at. Your articles are all very detailed and I like you layout.

Im going to comment on the junk food advertising. Its really interesting that you chose to do this because this has become an issue over the years. It isnt a very good idea, as younger children tend to want it more and see it as the 'in thing', therefore they want to have the toy or whatever comes with it.


Elo Elo..Your blogs really colourful it's a good this because it attracts attention and isnt boring to read.

Hmmm..Let me talk about the Nestle and the Golden Ticket..I personaly think that was a con, forcing people to buy their products. And i agree..It was worng!


Elo! You have a range of good stories and I like your views on them. Gives out alot of information!

I'm going to talk about the 'Daily Mail' issue. Like Sherish said, money is a motiv in a workforce. Therefore if they are geting paid more, they should move.


The different stories you've posted up are really good and I like the pictures you've decided to put up.

I think I'l talk about the Big Brother article too! I agree Puja..People are just complaining about what they want to watch!


I like your choice in stories, they had a good relation to media!

I think i'l comment on the 'veil friendly zoo' post of yours. I think it's perfectly fine to bring your culture into a modern country, however not an extent. Waring a veil isnt written in the quaran, therefore it is not a MUST do. however if certain men do not appreciate there women showing parts of their face, it is respectable for people to accept that!

Friday, November 03, 2006

pluralism suggests that the mass control the media, rather than the media controling the mass. basically, an individual has the freedom to make choices about waht texts to consume based on there personal views.
Am I a pLuRaLiSt?
HmM..yeS i am too! this is because i read something in news papers and i disagree with most of them. therefre i am not TOTALLY influenced by the media!

"the belief that the base directly affect[s] the superstructure and in essence, determin[s] its existence"
'Maxism' is a theory based on the works of Karl Marx. he argues that capitalism is based on the profit motive and that under capitalism profits are generated by exploiting workers. this therefore may mean, that big companies use people to do something for them, and the company may get the profit and the workers only get a tiny bit of it. while the 'fat cats' are not doing anything because they can afford to employ workers to do the job for them.

Am I a MaRxiSt?
i would say i am a marxist, however this is only for my own benefit. i work for a company, called Ravel, therefore i am employed by a company to get paid, and benefit the 'fat cat', who might not be doing much.